Friday 13 March 2009

be still...

Psalm 46:10
“Be still, and know that I am God!'

I've been walking around for the last week, just whispering this scripture to myself ever so often, or maybe it was the scripture whispering to me.

God has promised that He will never leave us, but will be with us always...I've found that sometimes i forget this promise, i forget how great our God is and I forget that I have the Lord of all creation at my side. I'm running around, trying to solve my problems and meet my commitments and achieve things cause life is short, and i have deadlines etc etc...I think that's the best way to say it - I get lost in the 'etcetera' of life!

But then this scipture whispers itself to me- it never shouts, but it whispers, it lightly brushes against my mind, it tickles me like my baby brother when he's trying to wake me up on Saturday morning so we can watch cartoons!

It whispers- Ria, be still...and know that I am God...

cause in that stillness, a knowing comes. A revelation of my God, a refocusing away from my situations, unto him...and an understanding that I don't solve my problems - But it's God in me that does...a knowing that its only because of his grace that i can meet my commitments, meet those deadlines, find favour in unfavourable situations..and all the other etceteras of life.

Prov. 3: 4,5 says to acknowledge him in all your ways and he will direct your path...for me, that acknowledgement is started and sustained in the stillness- the stillness that comes before the 'knowing'...maybe that's why things seem to fall into place after- because i'm allowing him to direect my

Love you guys and I pray that God continues to bless us with a revelation of himself!


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