Monday 23 February 2009


From Johnny....

As we are reading Philippians together lets look at some scripture b4 friday...

Yes, and I will continue to rejoice, 19for I know that through your prayers and the help given by the Spirit of Jesus Christ, what has happened to me will turn out for my deliverance.d]">[d] 20I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death. 21For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. 22If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. Yet what shall I choose? I do not know! 23I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far; 24but it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body. 25Convinced of this, I know that I will remain, and I will continue with all of you for your progress and joy in the faith, 26so that through my being with you again your joy in Christ Jesus will overflow on account of me.

A few ways this passage spks to me......

'Yes, and i will continue to rejoice' - rejoicing is a choice and a choice that needs to be made everyday.
'through your prayers' - reason why its so important for us to intercede for each other
'Christ will be exalted in my body + to live is Christ and to die is gain' - Matt 5:14-16 comes to mind

"You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. 15Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.
We are not living for ourselves anymore but for Christ. Choosing to love instead of hate, choosing to forgive instead of holding grudges.....freedom will come guys and we will be different and Jesus will shine through us and He will be glorified. living everyday to glorify him.

'I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far' which is better by far - Paul has an amazing revelation of what he and we have to come. When things get hard we need to keep our eyes on what we have to come......our momentary troubles dont compare to what we have ahead of us.
If you get the chance have a read over and see how God spks to you. Also if any of you, as you are reading Philippians, want to share a verse etc with the rest of us please do.


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